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Wanted to check with the floor on on your experience when performing your property defect inspection, what would you normally look out for, how and when would you be doing it etc. 

How do you normally perform feedback to the project office? fill up a form? or print the photos out with tagging?


Kith   kin   freeman woo   kith and kin   photo by all is amazing small

@Ronald Soo

can try refer here

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Hahahahha I tried to check that before, but wanted to know from owner in Propsocial what is their perception for this.

Definitely many are not following that one in

there are cases whereby not all defects will be entertained by developer... 

not sure whether you had encounter such case before or not.

but i went thru tons of cases like that 

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what kind of defects that the developer will not entertain?? I thought it is their responsibility to fix all defects.

just curious, how to check if the water proofing in the toilet/bathroom floor is not leaking?? this is a common problem..

Kith   kin   freeman woo   kith and kin   photo by all is amazing small


Good question. Agree! this is really a common problem. I think it is no way to check water proofing. it is really depend developer's reputation. 

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This is what my cousins did for the toilet. They covered the hole and then flooded the toilet for a few hours. :) As to how to check the house for defects... they got a pack of pink sticky notes, and then went through their entire unit. For every wrong thing they found, they made a note of what was wrong with it on the sticky pad and then stuck the paper on the place with the problem. And lucky for them there was a really heavy thunderstorm going on when they were checking their unit, so they managed to find out that their windows were leaky.

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@ppnnkk2011 oh... some owner are very particular even one small crack on their 2x2 tiles they will complaint to the sky... some developer just drag and drag until the defect warranty is over.. 

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Totally agree with what @Elizabeth suggested. I did the same as well.

you must check the water leaking in the bathroom no matter how reputable is the developer, even for the developer S* S***** who offers 18+18months defect warranty have water leaking issue on the bathroom...

Kith   kin   freeman woo   kith and kin   photo by all is amazing small

Thanks @Elizabeth @imronaldsoo for sharing the experience. really a good idea! 

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Toilet - u have to go downstairs unit and see if there is leakage. the upstairs unit must do the same to check if their toilet is leaking to your unit... kind of complicated arrangement???

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@ppnnkk2011 normally I will only check my ceiling for leakage and expect the downstairs owner to do the same, if there is any complaint then I will let the defect team to perform their magics :)