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Beautiful kitchen in malaysia
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Whether or not you’re thinking of moving, it’s still important to boost your home’s value. One of the few ways of doing so is by making improvements to your home, be it a minor reshuffle or a major renovation.

But where do you start? A seasoned real estate agent will tell you that the value of a home lies mostly in how well the kitchen looks. Here are some things you can do to jazz up your kitchen and up your property’s value in the Malaysian real estate market:

Yellowing Tiles? Time To Get New Ones

Photo credit: Apartment Therapy

Tiles set the overall mood in any room. Hence, clean and new tiles are breaths of fresh air in any kitchen. Think about the show houses you’ve seen while scouting for property, didn’t they all have really great looking tiles?

Your kitchen doesn’t necessarily have to have white or marble tiles. Don’t be afraid to add some vibrant colours into your kitchen!

Go For Wooden Cabinets

Photo credit: Remodelista

According to California-based realtor, Dick Gaylord, home buyers currently prefer houses with an ‘older home’ charm. If you’re thinking of changing the kitchen cabinets, go for something traditional, such as wooden cabinets and floors.

You don’t need to go all out traditional just because it’s wood. Wooden kitchen cabinets can look sleek and modern as well, with a hint of old school charm.

Freshen Up The Paint Job

Photo credit: Newsonair

Wall paint, like tiles, tell prospective home buyers just how worthy your property is. Fresh and clean paint jobs will make your home look like it’s brand new even though you’ve been there for more than five years!

Go for a modern colour – something bright and fresh – for your kitchen revamp. The effects of a fresh layer of paint speaks volumes, even if you’re not doing any other renovations to your kitchen.

Minimise The Kitchen Triangle

Photo credit: Best Online Cabinets

The kitchen triangle is the space between your sink, stove, and fridge. Not only are these the three things you use frequently in the kitchen, we tend to use them simultaneously too. Hence, your kitchen, stove, and sink should be near each other for convenience.

If you’re doing a major renovation, you could move these three things closer to each other. This will appeal to many home buyers.

Should you need help with upgrading your kitchen, we have a list of professional service providers who are experts in interior design and renovation, and are more than ready to help you achieve your kitchen goals. Select the service you need by clicking on the links provided, fill in the form, and be ready to receive some free quotations from us!


Kaodim ( matches you with vetted and verified contractors, plumbers, electricians, personal trainers, and almost any other type of service providers. Receive customised quotations, personalised profiles and user reviews to hire with confidence.


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Nice kitchen. May motivate the " home chef" to cook better food ^^

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@kaodim thanks for sharing