Furnish your dream house with ruma furnitures 9
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当你终于拥有属于自己梦寐以求的房子,想必会要好好装饰一番。说起增添家具,或许第一时间,你会想到宜家,因为它的家具容易组装的同时也便宜好取代。说实在,当家具都来自同一家,千篇一律的家居风格单调乏味。难道,你不想你的居家与众不同,为自己打造属于自己独一无二的居家风格吗?那你不妨看看 RUMA

马来西亚本土品牌 RUMA 的产品不只质量卓越,而且还物超所值,完全是你居家的完美搭配与首选。如果你追求的是品质上佳、舍繁取简的简约风,RUMA 的家具更能为你的房子打造出不一样的格调。组装方面,你也不必烦心,因为配合配送服务, RUMA 将一手包办组装。以下的 RUMA 家具,你绝不容错过:

一、睡美人觉(Flinton Queen Bed

卧室里安放一张时尚的床,可成为全室焦点。所以挑对了床,就会有非同凡响的效果。如果你是物色着工业风的睡床,Flinton 床就适合你的口味了。


二、理想餐桌 (Tristan Industrial Table

饭厅的餐桌是聚集家人朋友,享用美食,举杯畅谈的好地方。那么 Tristan 工业风格餐桌就适合不过。为什么?



三、舒适与时尚完美契合 (Danika Chair

一张餐桌怎能缺了座椅? Danika 座椅就是绝妙配搭。这座椅舒适度高,造型时尚,是使用聚酯织布座垫及结实的橡木椅脚。颜色方面可选杏色、卵石灰色及黑檀色。如果要贵气一些的,可以选用新面市的天鹅绒面料,颜色则可选梅洛红、康乃馨粉红及翡翠绿,价格是从259令吉起。

四、百搭万用,无拘无束(Helena Cafe Chair

如果你不喜欢有扶手的座椅,那么可以考虑 Helena 椅子。这款椅子是采用欧洲榉木为材质,坚固踏实,并使用聚酯织布做座垫,共有两款可选:天然色和赭褐色。


五、实用又有格调(Fluffy Sofa Bed

如果你的居家没有客房,那么Fluffy 沙发床就有用武之地了。这沙发床乍看是有些北欧风格,为你的居家增添色彩,实用性超强。


六、展示你的藏书!(Osborn Wide Bookcase)



七、物超所值(Valen TV Cabinet)

电视机是家庭必备,那么就得要有个摆放电视的橱柜。看看这个带有北欧风,又有些复古情怀的 Valen 电视矮柜。


以上就是你必备的清单了。如果你想购买傢俱,可以去 RUMA 位于 Sunway Velocity 购物中心(吉隆坡)、Atria 购物中心(白沙罗再也)及 Mesa Mall(汝来)的分店,一定可以找到你的心头好。你也可以上网网购,购物愉快哦!


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Love the concept featured by Ruma, Saw their show unit in Atria. Nice and wonderful

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Looks very promising and IKEA-like. If the price and quality is comparable, we have a strong competitor.

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@admin_ps Nice, will definitely visit the outlet soon.

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I really like the sofa bed, can see it being used during the world cup fever period to lay down and enjoy the game. 

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any idea whether the price of the furniture are comparable with IKEA's?

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@henry You can see from their website. Price wise I think RUMA slightly higher, but seems like they are banking on better product quality and more personalized designs. Once my house is ready, I aim to get a few items from them.

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seems not bad. should try to visit the outlet!

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I wonder if RUMA have an on site restaurant/bistro like IKEA... 

Swedish meatballs, yummy!

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@domng haha never been there but seems it is a place to visit. haha

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Just checked their website, looks good, will go visit one day

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Wonder if they will open a branch in other parts of Malaysia?

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as per article they have in sunway velocity and damansara jaya

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I am hoping they open branches in Johor & Penang... now only available in        Klang Valley.

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Like their concept and IKEA-ish design. 

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@domng you based in johore right? I think they definitely will expand the business in other states if everything goes well. 

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If RUMA want expand without opening a physical store... there is always online shopping with delivery services... but then again, there is still a challenge for DIY assembly.

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Which online furniture better if compare to ruma-home and https://www.lavino.com.my

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Dear Sir,

I am looking for a new project to partner or mentor. I have a wealth of experience and funds ready to invest in the right company. If you are honest and competent in handling a quality and fast growing business, you then get back to me (adamabakary834@yahoo.com)



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@admin_ps thank you for sharing