Coverage propsocial property renovation 1
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1.) 你买这件家大概价格是?装修花了多少钱和时间 ?

我买二手屋是去年2015,买屋价Rm 165,000 装修大概Rm 65k 家私电器冷气那些Rm 30k 装修大概前后3个月半左右

2.) 为什么会决定买二手屋装修,而不是新屋?是经过经纪介绍还是自己做功课呢?

屋价 – Rm165k
装修 – Rm65k
家私电器 – Rm30k
银行贷款 – Rm149k
装修贷款 – Rm33k
律师费 -Rm1800
前后费用 -Rm80k左右
每月房屋负担 – Rm1100

多数的屋主,开的价钱远比银行value来的高,贷款却只批90%,(开价Rm260k,银行value Rm210k,贷款批90%=Rm189000, 需准备75k左右来买屋,还没包括装修和家私。


我们夫妻不是为了炒屋而买屋,只是希望有个安乐窝,所以在不计较剩余77年的情况下购买此屋,自于装修方面,也凭着夫妻两的感觉而设计出来,开头费用随大,但每月负担小,正好适合现在我们现在该有的生活和负担的标准。 我们非常开心有人欣赏我们家的装修美,其实最美的还是我们有个自己喜欢的家。

这是房子的原貌:变身前….. (期待期待)


变身后…… (请用手扶住下巴以防止掉落)

人人都说胖子是潜力股,但以小编看,破旧二手屋也是潜力股呀!但这也得要像这对年轻小夫妻一样,要有恒心和毅力才能完成自己的梦想屋。各位小资夫妇们,FIGHTING !



Own dp small

Indeed very nice with the amount of cost spent.

Hsr nc   1 side kl 01  4  small

very encourage young generation by spending according their budget to own a house.

P  2c3e50 small

No need to buy a new house or condo that will cost u a bomb. It's better to buy from sub-sale (of course u have to look for good deal) and renovate according to your own taste .... much more satisfaction that way

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Already purchased a condo before seeing this -.-, regret liao.

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actually buying a landed nowadays is also relative expensive.. and even with RM160k of renovation cost you could hardly do a total makeover...

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This is inspiring BUT not many will take this road less travelled, especially when it's for your own stay and if the house looks in really bad shape, generally people won't be attracted to buy it, as there might be a lot of things that needs to be fixed and long term damage that needs ongoing maintenance such as piping problem. UNLESS, it's for investment, where you renovate and then rent out, perhaps it's a different story.

K  2c3e50 small

Needs a lot of cash in hand

Img thing small

@kevlos, you mean to buy or to renovate? I think if it's to buy not difficult to get bank loan especially if it's a small amount (like RM100k) like this. 

K  2c3e50 small

@veron, to renovate

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Yea need a lot of cash in hand to renovate and to buy furnitures and all

Kate chew small

If it's to rent out to tenants and not own stay, don't need too expensive furnitures la. Just basics will do :-)

Hsr nc   1 side kl 01  4  small

agreed. own use surely spent more. for investment such like rent out basic furnish will do.

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@admin_ps good sharing