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                  资本回报 =售价-购价 x 100%

                                    ≥ 30%









(iii)第三,也是最后一项,作为一名炒房者,你必须了解该交易的潜能。譬如,该房产在将来会有多少的潜在收益?一个明智的投资者会研究并考察一个地区的增长力,然后以自己的智慧计算所购买的房产价格是否会增值。这是一名优秀炒房者需拥有的关键能力之一。炒房者应该做足功课,测定一个地区的房产供求,并在作出购买决定前预计该房产将来的增值率。我发现对房产作出足够研究的策略,会远远胜于一般人“购买,然后不断盼望和祈祷”的策略。 ☺



















若想了解更多有关于炒房的策略和其他的创意房地产策略,你可以参与“Property Stratagems 2016”,此活动由FREEMEN主办。房地产和金融专家会在当天给予大家最新的创意策略、银行、和金融政策,甚至还有可以帮你的房产加值的一些简单但功能强大的装修秘诀。


Michael Tan是FREEMEN的创办者。FREEMEN是一家教育公司,通过其最畅销的研讨会和课程,启发人们采取有力的行动以便通往更成功的人生。FREEMEN的著名计划包括亚洲第一项房地产计划-“The No Money Down Program”,还有“First Business First Million”的商业研讨会。FREEMEN的社团组织目前正在跨越马来西亚的市场-涉足于泰国与香港,以及很快地将延伸至更多其他的亚洲国家。


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P  2c3e50 small

At the current market condition, u are lucky if u can sell at break-even price (to cover all transaction cost, opportunity cost and RPGT)

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@ppnnkk2011 Yeah, the other day I went to Bandar Seri Coalfields, I see so manyyyy empty houses, they are all sold out by developer but I guess owners are not being able to sell them off.

James bond craig junio2006 small

Personally I think it is still a good time to buy a property despite the fact that everyone says it's bad time and should hang on to buying property. But just the other day my friend bought The Rainz at Bukit Jalil, it was initially 1 million plus, but he ended up getting a good deal at RM800k!!!! These are the rebates and good deals you don't get when times are good!!!

BUT for flipping property, I am not so sure about that. People are still very negative and skeptical about buying property right now in general. So if you are buying it and then expect to sell it immediately without holding on for a bit, might not be such a good idea. You might not get a buyer so soon. That's my opinion.

L  2c3e50 small

Personally thinks that there are more and more new developments, which in the end might lead to too much empty houses in the city. So it really depends on the location and the demands in the market now. And also, market research is definitely a YES before you take your first step out.

For example, my parents own a unit in Sunway Nexus but until now they can't even find a tenant or buyer! It is quite surprise as that area is near to the crowded Sunway Giza and with a number of education institution. 

L  27ae60 small

Actually, it is a very good time to buy from flippers :)

C  1abc9c small

Sunway Nexus consider is failure project of sunway .But what i know from sunway management already started to do something to save the current situation . 

Mtxx 20220221174543 mr1650848230340 small

not a good time now but is a good time to buy in more property from those owner desperate

Kate chew small

Yup, there are a lot of desperate owners who wants to get rid of their property, some some same price as when they first bought it and some even lower than market price. This is the time where you have the bargaining power. So, I would say it's a good time to buy. Not sure about flipping though.

P  2c3e50 small

Please highlight if there is any good deal around.... i mean at least 20% below market price. TQ

Jeht profile small

Paragon Heights 3 storeys superlink at Bukit Jalil is a good buy for own stayed. Asking now around 1.15 to 1.25m. Bank value rm1.3m and above.

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Definition of a good flip for me would be at least 30% from purchase price :)

Kate chew small

But generally property buyers are still quite skeptical about buying right now because of the words spreading around saying it's a bad time to buy, so it's a general perception that it's a bad time to buy, therefore many property buyers are all waiting and holding on to their horses. So, buying right now is a good time if you have a holding power to keep it for a few years, but to flip it immediately and expect quick return if you don't have holding power, might not be such a good idea. Don't you think so? I don't know, just my thought.

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probably not for new property, sub-sale as well as auction is selling hot cake...

oh and if you perform analysis based on the NAPIC report, anything except condo/apartment is still selling like hot cake, but unfortunately the spike of transaction / volume in the past are relying heavily on apartment/condo.

So come to think about it, apartment and condo based on the statistics they are over supply compared to other type of property.

Kate chew small

What about commercial? Do you know? I heard commercial is bad. 

P  2c3e50 small

Commercial properties flippers have been seriously hit by the implementation of GST... they are caught!!!

L  27ae60 small

I had gone thru the latest transacted prices from JPPH, i noticed that for the last 6 months, condo/apartments prices have gone down about 5-20% for most of the places. But for properties(condo/apartments) below RM350k, the prices are still stable. It should be considered normal as compared to the current market situation. 

However,  I didn't notice much data on the newly completed condo/apartments. I think those property flippers having a hard time to dispose off their investment properties now or their deal is still stuck with the developer. I foresee for the next 2 quarters when the deals for those newly completed properties recorded in the JPPH data, we shall see how hard is their hand got burned. Property flipping have made many people suffering now. Flipping time is gone..

Just my 2 cents.


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Extract from JPPH Press Release for Malaysian Property Market 2015

Market volume recorded at 362,105 transactions worth RM149.9 billion in 2015, down by a marginal 5.7% in volume and 8.0% in value against 2014. Residential sub-sector continued to lead the overall market, with 65.2% contribution in volume and 49.0% in value. The sub-sector recorded a slight downturn by 4.6% in volume and correspondingly down in value by 10.5%. The commercial, industrial, agriculture and development land sub-sectors were also on moderating path, down by 10.6%, 13.0%, 7.5% and 2.4% respectively. 

2016 Outlook
The economic and financial environment, both local and global, will be even more challenging in 2016. This has led to the re-calibration of 2016 Annual Budget in order to ensure that our country remain firm to brave the forthcoming uncertainties. 

Property sector will be able to endure this challenging period with adjustments and corrections expected from both the demand and supply side. Although property sector may see moderation in market activity, the slowdown would still be manageable.

Several infrastructure projects i.e. public transport networks are game-changers that would help boost values in areas where the networks run. These are: 

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@ppnnkk2011 even for them who is collecting rental income for commercial property (annual income of >500k) are required to register and pay for GST

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