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多年前,当谈及在大马置产时,人们常问的第一个问题是 “这是不是一个适合全家生活的地方”。但现在,人们常问的问题却是“这是不是一个值得投资的地方?”,以及“这个地方的房产价增值如何?”。他们还会提出以下一连串的问题包括:

a) 最靠近的地铁或火车站在哪里?
b) 距离吉隆坡有多远?
c) 谁是发展商?
d) 最靠近的高速公路在哪里?
e) 最靠近的购物商场在哪里?


例如,如果你想每天下班后都可以享受按摩服务,又或者你想要每晚尝试不同的嘛嘛档美食,那么应该住在哪儿?你是否曾经觉得一些地方有太多同质性的商店,也许是太多餐厅,或是太多购物中心?然而,每一个邻里社区都有其傲人之处,从金地花园(Sri Hartamas)的无数间美容中心,到孟沙(Bangsar)琳琅满目的咖啡厅。


金地花园(Sri Hartamas) – 被宠爱的生活形态

如果你是喜欢宠爱自己的人,那金地花园(Sri Hartamas)绝对是适合你的地方!你可以每天更换指甲油的色彩,接着来个让人放松的脚底按摩,或全身按摩,或是全套按摩服务。


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章卡武吉免登(Changkat, Bukit Bintang) – 城中不夜城

初夜时,灿烂的霓虹灯下,有烈酒伴随着阵阵笑声、汗水,放纵的跟随舞曲旋律摇摆着臀部。如果以上所说有让你神往,那你就一定要住在吉隆坡市中心。倘若你也喜欢欣赏外国的帅哥美女,或到访一些非常独特的餐厅,大享美食口福,不妨到章卡武吉免登(Changkat, Bukit Bintang)走走。如果想要在全城最热闹的俱乐部与帅哥辣妹狂舞派对;或是享用法国、德国、西班牙,或是各国料理?那就住在章卡武吉免登区吧。这可是全城最热闹的地点,最适合喜爱探讨及开拓新事物的你。

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梳邦再也(Subang Jaya) – 无规划的学生城镇


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孟沙(Bangsar) – 餐厅与咖啡厅集结处


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蒲种(Puchong) – 数之不尽的餐厅


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读者朋友们,下次如果有人称赞你有眼光,在吉隆坡购置到好房产,因为其地点绝佳,或说你在蒲种的公寓资产价值高等,你可以告诉他们,你不是因为投资而置产,而是为了每晚可以到夜店狂欢,或是为了每一天都能品尝到城中最好吃的美食!:D 除了这些,读者朋友们还知道哪些邻里社区拥有傲人的特色?欢迎和我们分享。您的分享可获得积分并赢得星巴克的礼券!

(Translated by: Tan Ai Ling, 16th June 2015)


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My neighbourhood's Subang Jaya. Although many people say Subang food's awesome, I really don't think so. More catered for students I think. SS14 Subang BKT's not too bad if you don't want to travel all the way to Klang.

Food wise, I love the food in Jalan Alor (although a bit touristy) and Damansara Uptown and yes, PUCHONG!!!!

Entertainment or Shopping wise, I still prefer to stick around PJ area. You know what they say about PJ people being not open to travel out of PJ :D Hehe!

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Ohhh...u make me want to eat BKT for dinner later at ss14. I think Publika is good place to stay for me. I love to cook, so i no need to go grocery once a week. I can just go down to buy ingredient everytime i want to cook. B.I.G after 8pm or 9pm they have 50% discount!! You also can enjoy your yumcha session with your friend just downstair or have a drink in any pub there. It's all in 1 lifestyle if you stay there.

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Anybody knows any good STRAIGHT massage parlours at good prices?

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I love PJ. Big interconnected highways, lots of buildings and offices, lots of old and new houses, playgrounds, nepalese security guards trying to "protect" housing estates, peak hour jams and wee hours free-ways. Potholes and uneven roads. Malls everywhere (good for Aircon!) Cinemas everywhere. Penchala River in monsoon drain mode. Street food everywhere from Uptown to Oldtown to SS2. Night markets almost every night. Heh. This must be the "concrete jungle where dreams are made of" ;)

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@Jordan Being born and bred in PJ, I completely agree with you! Food everywhere at all times of day and night!! Yummy too!! Tong shui, SS2 wai sek kai, mamak, Japanese, Korean, restaurant, hawker centre, roadside food, hangout places... I love PJ!!! xD

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@Dianne Just saw your question :) Amante Bangsar, if you like. I heard it's quite good, and the prices aren't too bad either. They have a lot of promotions from time to time.

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@Mag definitely gotta agree with the SS14 bkt and Jojo's pan mee is to die for!!! I studied in Subang for a couple of years and got so tired of the traffic by my 2nd month of being there! Being born and bred in Kajang, I must say that I'm very comfortable with living there. Though it gets congested at times, it still is not as bad as KL and Subang traffic! Mad respect for Subang drivers especially!