Why is your electricity bill so high flooded with bills
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而且将冷气设置时间表,不必通宵都使用, 而且别忘了将所有没使用的电源关上,按掣熄灭不只省钱,也是环保之举。


家有电脑可能是您的电单高涨元凶。您可知道不只是插在插座的家电会吃电?反之,其实是上网!据国际能源机构的报道,全球每年约有800亿美元(大约相等于3,440亿令吉)耗资在互联网连接设备上(例如调制解调器、无线打印机、游戏机等)。 而高达80%的电脑能源消耗是用在于将这些设备连接到互联网。 就好像您用手机运作多个应用程序与移动数据时,手机会更快没电,其背后的原理就和家里的电脑一样。

如果您没使用电脑时最好关掉, 但如果您没关,至少断绝上网。您可以直接关掉上网,或更简单的是设定为“飞行样式”,只需一个动作就可以断网。






(Translated by: Wayne Chan, 30th June 2017)


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Also need to consider running the washing machine cycle on a full load only... not only does this save you on your electricity bill... your water utility bill will go down as well!

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@domng But does a heavier load makan more electricity? Just wondering.

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@admin_ps My electricity has been going up ever since TNB changed the billing system. From a RM115.00 per month it had recently shot up to RM278/-. That is more than 100% increased. I have made several complaint to tnb but they insisted that there's nothing wrong with my meter. I did all the above but nothing change. I don't do my own laundry and neither do i cook. Any good wireman to recommend and btw where can i get the tracking socket?

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How many kWh were you using before and after TNB change the billing system? I am certain that if you hit certain threshold... the per unit kWh charge almost doubles!

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It had always been less that 350kWh. My tnb bill had always been around RM115/- per month.

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@renachang you may try the apps GAODIM to get someone to check for u.

but i dont think they can open the meter part to check on it. may not help much

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@6011_3531_5354 Thank you Nic

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Actually before this I never thought that keeping the computer connected to the internet would take up so much electricity, is it true guys? Is the amount of electricity taken up by the computer connecting to internet very significant?

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Rule of thumb to save on my electricity bill. Apart from the security CCTV camera and home alarm system. Everything else is powered off when I leave the house. 

Those appliances which is constantly on standby such as TV and Set Top Box. They also consume small amount of power without us knowing. 

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This is really good info. I always thought the highest contributor to high electricity bill is aircon. 

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thank you for sharing
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Aircon, Fridge, Water heater, Clothes Iron, Electric stove. All High power consumption appliances. 

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Thanks for sharing!

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Surprise to see internet in the list too!

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@admin_ps good sharing

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saya share info ini boleh ye?