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Read an article recently about Melbourne ... the best city to live in the world. Would like to get some opinion on how to go about investing in Melbourne, the related regulations, financing, taxation etc. which are the best areas within Melbourne.


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@ppnnkk2011 depending on whether you are interested in shop lot or residential.

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@imronaldsoo, I think he meant residential as title stated.

I would like to know more about this topic as well..investment oversea properties..any procedures, or requirements like Malaysia restricts foreigners just only able to buy 1m & above properties right? besides, let's just say, properties prices always increases, we get the capital gain, if malaysia still so dai sai, currency still so bad, capital gain + currency exchange ...oversea investment seems like a good deal

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P  2c3e50 small

Do they have soho there? Can be used for residential and can be used as office.

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The last when I checked there is no such restriction in Australia but I will double confirm and get back to you guys. 

Even for New Zealand there is no such restriction as I had done some transaction in NZ myself before, the only difference in NZ is that you do not have much time to decide over procurement of a property as very next few days there will be someone that is bidding OR placing a deposit for the said property if you do not bothered to revert. 

The competition in those country are relatively fast and furious.