Freemen stratagems 2018 property talk
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**GRAB our limited [5 Tickets] to market-shaking 2-Days Property Stratagems Event for FREE!!

Have you noticed that the property market is stagnant so far?

Almost all the investors are afraid to move. But what really lies ahead in 2018? What’s the NEXT BIG TREND that you can capitalize and monetize on?

That is why we collaborate with @FreemenEducation & we personally will be SPONSORING OUT 10 TICKETS priced at RM79 per ticket. As we know, there will be a panel of property market experts that have proven their names with results, who are going to share their edge-cutting strategies, up-to-date numbers and statistics of our current market and how you can predict the market in 2018

“Prepare yourself for what is coming is the best investment you can do!”

Don’t miss out this amazing event and 2018’s wave!



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Anyone going to the Johor Bahru session on 28 & 29 Oct? 

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Aiks, didn't know the KL ones have already passed.

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@domng There's about almost 80 pax now, for the Johor one. Register now for your free ticket :)

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Hi, I have registered for the Johor event... however, I have not received any confirmation email. thanks

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing